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      Terms & conditions - Contest


      1. This contest is valid for individuals who are citizens of France and who are competent to enter into a valid and binding contract under law, and are aged 18 years and above.

      2. Any employee or their immediate families (spouse, parents, siblings or children) or households (whether related or not) from the brand “Unsaid” (owned by Walking Tree EU BV) or its parent group, subsidiary and associate companies are ineligible to participate or win. This promotion is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

      3. Entrants are required to provide truthful information, and Unsaid shall have the full rights to reject and delete any entry that it discovers to be false or fraudulent. Unsaid will disqualify any entry from any individual who does not meet the eligibility requirements, and will also delete any entry as required by law.

      4. Unsaid at its sole discretion may reject your Entry and/or suspend or terminate your use or access to the Site/ Campaign or Services in the event of alleged or suspected or actual breach of terms and conditions provided herein.

      5. The Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and is void where prohibited.

      6. Entrants constitute their full and unconditional agreement to these terms & conditions and Unsaid’s decisions, which is final and binding in all matters related to the Sweepstakes. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.


      To participate in the Promotion, you may enter via the following method(s):

      • Visit the Unsaid Printemps location on the 1st floor
      • Scan QR code, post with the Unsaid filter and tag @unsaid on Instagram
      • For every post, Unsaid will plant a tree in your name in association with One Tree Planted
      • Up to 5 participants will be randomly selected to be gifted a diamond seed necklace, created from a lab grown diamond seed

      7. Instagram entries will be deemed made through the authorized account holder of the account used to submit the entry at the time of entry. The authorized account holder is the natural person who is assigned to the account by Instagram. Multiple entrants are not permitted to share the same account and also a single entrant is not allowed to share his/ her entry through multiple accounts/ fake accounts. Entries submitted will not be acknowledged or returned. Use of any device to automate entry is prohibited. Proof of submission of an entry shall not be deemed proof of receipt by Unsaid. The contest administrator’s computer is the official time-keeping device for the Promotion.

      8. The entries received by the Brand shall be original and not violate anyone’s proprietary or intellectual property rights of any third party and the Brand shall not held liable in any manner during or after the contest for any infringement of intellectual property rights of any party caused due to promotion or display of such entries across any platform of the Brand.

      9. Any Individual who tampers or attempts to tamper with the operations or entry process of the contest or T&Cs of the contest will immediately be disqualified.

      10. We may, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and in our sole discretion, change the T&Cs or cancel the Contest at any time, modify, terminate, or suspend the Contest should viruses, worms, bugs, unauthorized human intervention or other causes beyond our control corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play of the Contest or submission of entries.

      11. Only one entry per person is permitted.

      12. Word Count - 160 characters; Language - English


      There is no entry fee for participating in the contest.


      13. The Unsaid Giveaway (“Promotion”) will begin on November 02, 2022 and end on December 24, 2022 at 11:59 PM CET or as otherwise notified by the brand (Contest Period).

      14. The deadline for entries is December 24, 2022 at 11:59 PM CET and the winner will be announced on December 25, 2022 or as otherwise notified by the brand.


      Unsaid celebrate life’s defining moments, with jewels created with lab grown diamonds and recycled gold.

      Activity to be done by the contestants*:

      15. Visit the Unsaid Printemps location on the 1st floor

      16. Scan QR code, post with the Unsaid filter and tag @unsaid on Instagram

      Contest participation and call to action:

      17. Step 1: Follow the brand on Instagram (“IG”)

      18. Step 2: To participate, share your entries with Unsaid by December 24, 2022. All entries will be accepted only if tagged with @unsaid on Instagram.


      19. A chance to win an Unsaid jewel.

      20. The Winner will be chosen as per random draw and the final decision by the brand.

      21. Winners will be notified via email or Direct Message (“DM”). Winners must respond via email or DM back to Unsaid within forty-eight (48) hours in order to receive a prize.

      22. There is no substitution, transfer, or cash equivalent for the gift prize. The winning jewel does not include taxes, gratuities or any other expenses which will have to be borne by the winner, if the so choose to accept the prize.

      23. All applicable taxes/duties/levies including VAT or other applicable taxes on winning the Prize/s and cost of transportation or receipt of the same will be borne by the Winner. All deductions like, withholding tax, transfer fee, insurance, regulatory and statutory duties, cess, surcharges, taxes, registration fees etc. that may be applicable to avail/use the Prize/s will be borne exclusively by the winner.

      24. The Winner will be required to submit the documentation to share a valid proof of identity and age in the form of a copy of a government issued Photo ID and any other documents which may be required for compliance with the laws of the land and to the satisfaction of Unsaid before receiving the prize.

      25. The prize shall be subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this document as may be applicable to specific prize(s) and shall have to be duly complied with by the winner.

      26. The decision of Unsaid in respect of the gift/ transactions under this contest shall be final and binding and no communication or correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. No benefits greater than those described in the Terms & conditions above will be awarded.


      27. Participants shall have to acknowledge and agree that, subject to these terms and conditions, the ownership rights and moral rights of all stories/poems/videos submitted by participants will remain with Unsaid. Participant acknowledges and agrees and grants to Unsaid an irrevocable, worldwide, royalty free, sub licensable, unlimited, assignable, sub licensable, fully paid up, and exclusive license, to publish, promote and commercially use the content or part thereof submitted by Participant with Unsaid, through any medium and channel, whether currently existing or developed in the future and at its sole discretion.

      28. Unsaid will not be required to take any further approval or to notify the Participant or to pay any additional consideration for the grant of aforesaid rights. Participants understand that publishing selected Content by Unsaid is in the mutual benefit as it helps participants get recognition.

      29. Unsaid shall have an irrevocable, worldwide, royalty free, sub licensable, assignable, unlimited, fully paid up right to create any derivative works from the Content at its sole discretion and shall retain all ownership and intellectual property rights in such derivative works.

      30. Every participant shall fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Brand, its group/ associate companies, subsidiaries, representatives, affiliates, partners, agents, assigns, directors, employees, and officers against and all its officer and representatives against all sorts of claims, demands, actions, suits, damages, liabilities, losses, expenses which arises or may arise in future out of or relate to use/ display/ promotion of any entry (anecdote/ poem or story) by the Brand.


      31. Except where prohibited, participation in the Sweepstakes constitutes each winner's consent to Unsaid and its agents' use of winner's name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions and/or hometown and state for advertising, promotional, and other purposes in any manner, in any and all media, now known or hereinafter devised, worldwide, in perpetuity, without any payment or consideration, notification or permission.


      32. The Contest is being made purely on a “Best Effort” basis and participating in this Contest is voluntary. The liability of the brand Unsaid shall at all times be limited to the value of the jewel which is being offered under the contest.

      33. Unsaid is not responsible for: (1) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrants, typographical, printing errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Sweepstakes; (2) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software, or lost, interrupted or unavailable network, server, Internet Service Provider (lSP), website, or other connections, availability or accessibility or miscommunications or failed computer, satellite, telephone or cable transmissions, lines, or technical failure or jumbled, scrambled, delayed, or misdirected transmissions; (3) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Sweepstakes; (4) other errors or problems' of any kind relating to or in connection with the Sweepstakes, whether printing, typographical, technical, computer, network, mechanical, or human error or otherwise, which may occur in the administration of the Sweepstakes, the processing of entries, the announcement of the prizes or in any Sweepstakes-related materials; (5) late, lost, undeliverable, damaged, garbled, inaccurate, delayed, misdirected or stolen mail or entries; or (6) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant's participation in the Sweepstakes or receipt or use or misuse of any prize. If for any reason an entrant's entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, entrant's sole remedy is another entry in the Sweepstakes, if it is possible. No more than the stated number of prizes will be awarded. In the event that production, technical, seeding, programming or any other reasons cause more than the stated number of prizes as set forth in these Terms & Conditions to be available and/or claimed, Unsaid reserves the right to award only the stated number of prizes by a random drawing among all legitimate, un-awarded, eligible prize claims.


      This Contest is subject to force majeure circumstances including without limitation, floods, natural disasters, war, act of terror, political unrests, technical snags, act of God or any circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the brand (“Force Majeure Event). The Brand shall not be liable for any delay or adverse effect caused to participants in the contest including the winners as a result of a Force Majeure Event.


      If your entry is incomplete or shall not fall under the eligibility criteria of the contest or either if found robotic or programmed or automatic, your entry will be void


      34. Disputes, if any, must be shared with the brand within seven (7) days of the close of the contest.

      35. The contest is governed by the French Laws and the courts of Paris shall have sole jurisdiction in respect of any disputes or any matter arising here from.

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        • +93 Afghanistan
        • +358 Aland Islands
        • +355 Albania
        • +213 Algeria
        • +1684 AmericanSamoa
        • +376 Andorra
        • +244 Angola
        • +1264 Anguilla
        • +672 Antarctica
        • +1268 Antigua and Barbuda
        • +54 Argentina
        • +374 Armenia
        • +297 Aruba
        • +61 Australia
        • +43 Austria
        • +994 Azerbaijan
        • +1242 Bahamas
        • +973 Bahrain
        • +880 Bangladesh
        • +1246 Barbados
        • +375 Belarus
        • +32 Belgium
        • +501 Belize
        • +229 Benin
        • +1441 Bermuda
        • +975 Bhutan
        • +591 Bolivia, Plurinational State of
        • +387 Bosnia and Herzegovina
        • +267 Botswana
        • +55 Brazil
        • +246 British Indian Ocean Territory
        • +673 Brunei Darussalam
        • +359 Bulgaria
        • +226 Burkina Faso
        • +257 Burundi
        • +855 Cambodia
        • +237 Cameroon
        • +1 Canada
        • +238 Cape Verde
        • + 345 Cayman Islands
        • +236 Central African Republic
        • +235 Chad
        • +56 Chile
        • +86 China
        • +61 Christmas Island
        • +61 Cocos (Keeling) Islands
        • +57 Colombia
        • +269 Comoros
        • +242 Congo
        • +243 Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo
        • +682 Cook Islands
        • +506 Costa Rica
        • +225 Cote d'Ivoire
        • +385 Croatia
        • +53 Cuba
        • +357 Cyprus
        • +420 Czech Republic
        • +45 Denmark
        • +253 Djibouti
        • +1767 Dominica
        • +1849 Dominican Republic
        • +593 Ecuador
        • +20 Egypt
        • +503 El Salvador
        • +240 Equatorial Guinea
        • +291 Eritrea
        • +372 Estonia
        • +251 Ethiopia
        • +500 Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
        • +298 Faroe Islands
        • +679 Fiji
        • +358 Finland
        • +33 France
        • +594 French Guiana
        • +689 French Polynesia
        • +241 Gabon
        • +220 Gambia
        • +995 Georgia
        • +49 Germany
        • +233 Ghana
        • +350 Gibraltar
        • +30 Greece
        • +299 Greenland
        • +1473 Grenada
        • +590 Guadeloupe
        • +1671 Guam
        • +502 Guatemala
        • +44 Guernsey
        • +224 Guinea
        • +245 Guinea-Bissau
        • +595 Guyana
        • +509 Haiti
        • +379 Holy See (Vatican City State)
        • +504 Honduras
        • +852 Hong Kong
        • +36 Hungary
        • +354 Iceland
        • +91 India
        • +62 Indonesia
        • +98 Iran, Islamic Republic of Persian Gulf
        • +964 Iraq
        • +353 Ireland
        • +44 Isle of Man
        • +972 Israel
        • +39 Italy
        • +1876 Jamaica
        • +81 Japan
        • +44 Jersey
        • +962 Jordan
        • +77 Kazakhstan
        • +254 Kenya
        • +686 Kiribati
        • +850 Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea
        • +82 Korea, Republic of South Korea
        • +965 Kuwait
        • +996 Kyrgyzstan
        • +856 Laos
        • +371 Latvia
        • +961 Lebanon
        • +266 Lesotho
        • +231 Liberia
        • +218 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
        • +423 Liechtenstein
        • +370 Lithuania
        • +352 Luxembourg
        • +853 Macao
        • +389 Macedonia
        • +261 Madagascar
        • +265 Malawi
        • +60 Malaysia
        • +960 Maldives
        • +223 Mali
        • +356 Malta
        • +692 Marshall Islands
        • +596 Martinique
        • +222 Mauritania
        • +230 Mauritius
        • +262 Mayotte
        • +52 Mexico
        • +691 Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia
        • +373 Moldova
        • +377 Monaco
        • +976 Mongolia
        • +382 Montenegro
        • +1664 Montserrat
        • +212 Morocco
        • +258 Mozambique
        • +95 Myanmar
        • +264 Namibia
        • +674 Nauru
        • +977 Nepal
        • +31 Netherlands
        • +599 Netherlands Antilles
        • +687 New Caledonia
        • +64 New Zealand
        • +505 Nicaragua
        • +227 Niger
        • +234 Nigeria
        • +683 Niue
        • +672 Norfolk Island
        • +1670 Northern Mariana Islands
        • +47 Norway
        • +968 Oman
        • +92 Pakistan
        • +680 Palau
        • +970 Palestinian Territory, Occupied
        • +507 Panama
        • +675 Papua New Guinea
        • +595 Paraguay
        • +51 Peru
        • +63 Philippines
        • +872 Pitcairn
        • +48 Poland
        • +351 Portugal
        • +1939 Puerto Rico
        • +974 Qatar
        • +40 Romania
        • +7 Russia
        • +250 Rwanda
        • +262 Reunion
        • +590 Saint Barthelemy
        • +290 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha
        • +1869 Saint Kitts and Nevis
        • +1758 Saint Lucia
        • +590 Saint Martin
        • +508 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
        • +1784 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
        • +685 Samoa
        • +378 San Marino
        • +239 Sao Tome and Principe
        • +966 Saudi Arabia
        • +221 Senegal
        • +381 Serbia
        • +248 Seychelles
        • +232 Sierra Leone
        • +65 Singapore
        • +421 Slovakia
        • +386 Slovenia
        • +677 Solomon Islands
        • +252 Somalia
        • +27 South Africa
        • +211 South Sudan
        • +500 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
        • +34 Spain
        • +94 Sri Lanka
        • +249 Sudan
        • +597 Suriname
        • +47 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
        • +268 Swaziland
        • +46 Sweden
        • +41 Switzerland
        • +963 Syrian Arab Republic
        • +886 Taiwan
        • +992 Tajikistan
        • +255 Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania
        • +66 Thailand
        • +670 Timor-Leste
        • +228 Togo
        • +690 Tokelau
        • +676 Tonga
        • +1868 Trinidad and Tobago
        • +216 Tunisia
        • +90 Turkey
        • +993 Turkmenistan
        • +1649 Turks and Caicos Islands
        • +688 Tuvalu
        • +256 Uganda
        • +380 Ukraine
        • +971 United Arab Emirates
        • +44 United Kingdom
        • +1 United States
        • +598 Uruguay
        • +998 Uzbekistan
        • +678 Vanuatu
        • +58 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
        • +84 Vietnam
        • +1284 Virgin Islands, British
        • +1340 Virgin Islands, U.S.
        • +681 Wallis and Futuna
        • +967 Yemen
        • +260 Zambia
        • +263 Zimbabwe
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