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May 16th, 2022
3 min
3 min
May 16th, 2022

Metamorphosis through self-portraiture— an act of empowerment
Spending the last ten years as a professional model, Sofia Fanega has found a way to bend the world of fashion and beauty to her personal lens. A student of both life and cinema, the Argentinian soul, uses her modelling career as a means to travel, experience, learn and create. Now Fanego enters a new chapter in life, giving birth to her first child while reflecting on the many metamorphoses of her past lives.

"I realised through my self-portraits I'm not the same as when I was 24, but at the same time, I think how beautiful it is to accept that part of life. It gives you a lot of power. You feel more attractive."

"I have been working since 2019 on a series of self-portraits," shares Fanego. "I realise how the notion of desire is something in my job that is not real. You need to be an object of desire to the brands you are shooting for. So when I started to do this, it began as an experiment with the camera. To see how I feel with the camera."

Placing herself in the frame became a powerful act, Sofia found that the subject revealed was always changing."I realised through my self-portraits I'm not the same as when I was 24, but at the same time, I think how beautiful it is to accept that part of life. It gives you a lot of power. You feel more attractive."


Not only finding the power in change but acknowledging change, honouring it even, is a constant motif behind Fanego’s work as a model and as a photographer, collagist, botanist, and cinephile.

“I see the object as what is on the outside while the subject is what’s inside. So, for example, I started working with the concept of time because, with beauty shoots, everything is about time; you even put on a
cream to stop the time.”

All of Fanego's metamorphoses are now amplified with the growing life inside of her. "It's teaching me to look at everything differently. I can not only feel my body changing but my mind too. And how beautiful it is to accept our metamorphosis."

Sofia Fanego’s being isn’t measured by her ability to be an object of desire but rather through her many metamorphoses– a desirable subject of the present.

Stay current with Fanego's works and exhibitions via her Instagram @sofia.fanego and at

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